
Disippelhus is facilitating for people to grow closer to God in their everyday life, as a group of friends living together, a couple, or a family. Key values of Disippelhus is “family”, “rhythms”, and “sharing Jesus”. 

We believe that when you share meals together, share food budget, and intentionally want to get involved with each others daily life, you grow together as a family. We believe that when you live in rhythms of rest, spending time in the Bible, praying, and have time with Jesus on your own and in community, you grow closer to God. As a result of a daily life living as a family and in healthy rhythms, we hope to see each member of Disippelhus share Jesus in a natural way in their daily life. We want Disippelhus to be an inspiration and motivation to live the life you want to live with Jesus – in the long run. 

Each disippelhus is also followed up two or three times a semester by a person outside the disippelhus. 

Each disippelhus is responsible for housing, as we do not provide apartements. If you want to be a part of Disippelhus, or have any questions, please contact us at hewan@ywamoslo.no.