Everyday Discipleship

YWAM Oslo is a missions movement (ywam.org) located in the heart of Norway’s capital city. We are committed to knowing God and making Him known in Oslo, Norway and in all the world!

Our vision is to make everyday disciples. We believe in a fellowship that equips ordinary people to make Jesus known in their environment by being a neighbour, fellow student or co-worker. We want to help you combine your everyday life with discipleship.

Check out this video, or visit our Youtube page to see more. 


Oslo is a city that is full of life, different cultures, opportunities and experiences. In the middle of all this activity, we want to live a life as followers of Jesus, both individually and as part of a fellowship.

What does it mean to be an everyday disciple?

What does being an everyday disciple of Jesus in our studies, jobs, friendships and families look like?

The heart behind Bibelkveld is to know God better. For that to happen we are convinced that we have to let His message to us, speak to our hearts.

We meet every Monday in Misjonssalen for worship, two hours of Bible teaching and supper.

Living like a family, in rhythms that brings you closer to Jesus, and sharing Jesus in your everyday life. To live in a Disippelhus is to make the place you live become a safe home, the center of a healthy life in fellowship with your housemates and Jesus.